ENERGY STAR® and Energy Efficiency

The average household spends roughly half of its annual energy budget on heating and cooling costs, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. With that, aesthetics is just one aspect to consider when choosing new windows. Gentek can help reduce energy consumption with ENERGY STAR qualified windows. Since windows are roughly 80% glass, it’s important to choose an energy-efficient ENERGY STAR qualified window.
Installing ENERGY STAR certified windows and doors can help lower energy bills and save you money. With more efficient windows, you also use less energy, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions from power plants. A cleaner environment and enhanced home comfort with reduced energy consumption are key goals of ENERGY STAR.
Many Gentek windows are expertly engineered to meet stringent ENERGY STAR performance requirements. Consult your window professional to help you choose the best insulated glass package to meet the ENERGY STAR requirements for your home and climate zone.
Learn about current Energy Tax Credit options.
- ENERGY STAR Most Efficient Overview and Offerings
- ENERGY STAR 7.0 Program Changes
- ENERGY STAR Installation Instructions
ENERGY STAR is a government-backed voluntary partnership program backed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to promote environmental protection and superior energy efficiency in products, buildings and homes.